Aviva, My Love (2006)

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Aviva, My Love (2006). 1h 47m

“After this film, Shemi Zarhin also wrote and directed u0026quot;The World Is Funny,u0026quot; also set in Tiberias and also featuring some of the same actors. Also, in fact, involving attempts by the characters to write fiction. In both movies, an ordinary person seeks out help from a celebrity whose fame rests on his past. But itu0026#39;s been complained on these pages that in u0026quot;Aviva, My Loveu0026quot; there are too many characters. I think that in u0026quot;The World Is Funnyu0026quot; there are more, but the story is balanced among them and itu0026#39;s a more pleasant story. In u0026quot;Aviva, My Loveu0026quot; much more attention goes to the female lead than to anyone else, and you can imagine why. Although sheu0026#39;s supported by some of Israelu0026#39;s best actors, Assi Levy is consistently magnetic on the screen here. She won the countryu0026#39;s best film actress award for this performance. Itu0026#39;s not surprising that the film winds up giving little time to, for example, her adolescent children. How many are there, three? Pretty much the same film could have been written with two or even one. Not that Iu0026#39;m complaining. Itu0026#39;s more gratifying to see someone make an impressive film like this and then a more impressive one like u0026quot;The World Is Funnyu0026quot; than the other way around.”


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