The Dragon Spell (2016)

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The Dragon Spell (2016). 1h 25m

“Unlike the other reviewer, who did not make it pass first 12 min of exposition, where the mischievous protagonist is introduced with a few clues for the plot, I have enjoyed the flick completely, as then the trickster Edward is introduced and the action unravels. The only thing Iu0026#39;ve missed was the pace in culmination, where the airship couldu0026#39;ve been more dynamic, though I know it is not Mortal Engines 😉 The animation is beautiful, love story is innocent and humor is subtle. I do not put much expectations into family movies since Shrek, but this one is definitely better than Ralph and most of the same similar stories since Brave, including the recent Ukrainian animation Stolen Princess, which went big in China. I had a pleasure of knowing some of CGI artist who went to Russia to create their animation boom, of bogatyrs and Mashau0026amp;Bear and recognize the same mastery in this flick, though not sure, did they return or is it the new generation, one thing I am sure of – Ukrainian cartoons are promising. 4/5 because of lack of motion of monsters and slow pick-up though Iu0026#39;ve enjoyed Paddington… both parts.”


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