Gun Smoke (1945)

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Gun Smoke (1945). 57m | Approved

“u0026quot;Gun Smokeu0026quot; is a compact, attention-holding Johnny Mack Brown western in his Jack McKenzie series that comes in at just under an hour for the ever-budget conscious Monogram Studios.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eIn this installment Johnny Mack and his crusty and trusty partner Raymond Hatton go to work on a case in a semi-deserted little town that is full of mystery and intrigue. Most of the story unfolds indoors but there are enough outdoor scenic stretches to keep the pacing alive and interesting. The horseback riding and stagecoach scenes are well done.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eJMB is still the pleasant and dashing hero we know and admire and he still looks fit and agile, even though he had been traversing the cinematic sagebrush trails for fifteen years by now. One might notice, however, that he is just a tad meaner in dishing out punishment in his barroom fights than in days of yore.u003cbr/u003eu003cbr/u003eThe cinematography is crisp, and the continuity and editing is really excellent. This is a solid B-western and should provide a nice hour of fun for fans of the genre.”


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