The Arctic Convoy (2023)

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The Arctic Convoy (2023). 1h 48m

“While a huge improvement over movies like Kampen om Narvik, it is obvious that this movie got rewritten several times and changed direction. While the movie still manages to have a grip on the audience in terms of suspense, some of its plot points do not hold up well. It seems the movie went from the idea of a captivating war movie to budget restraints, forcing the movie makers to focus on interpersonal differences between the captain and his crew. That is something i feel detracts from the story, and it also is writing that has been done to death in other movies like Crimson tide. All in all, if you want to see a bit of WWII action, watch this, but if you rather would like something more believable and historically more accurate, then watch Krigsseileren any day over this.”


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