Love Likes Coincidences (2011)
50K Altan Erkekli Asena Keskinci Ayda Aksel Batuhan Karacakaya Belçim Bilgin Berkant Keskin Berna Konur Hakan Çimenser Hüseyin Avni Danyal Mehmet Günsür Nuran Evren Sit Ömer Faruk Sorak Özgür Aksüyek Pinar Çaglayan Sebnem Sönmez Taha Alp Umit Dincer Yigit Özsener Yilmaz Gruda Zafer Demircan 2011 7.2 Turkey Turkish
Love Likes Coincidences (2011). 1h 58m
“I am older and have been watching movies for six decades. From start to finish, this movie gripped me emotionally. The range of emotion extended well beyond anything I have ever experienced from a cinematic work. I would not call it u0026quot;cheesyu0026quot; or criticize that there were too many coincidences. One way or the other, the storyline reaches down and touches the viewer deeply.”