Lisa Mania (2021)
64K Comedy Bradley Roukis Brian Kennard Carlos Flores Clara Lee Diego Martin Perilla Dorothy Xiao Hannah Whiteoak Harry Du Young Joan Matis K. Kevin Choi Kate Jopson Kelly Donahue Michael Sorich Minji Chang Olivia Day Ramon Barriga Shaun Vivaris Tenzin Dhondup Tunde Skovran 2021 8.8 English United States
Lisa Mania (2021). 1h 21m
“With its absurdist humor, this movie keeps you on your toes at each moment. The two main characters really give the movie its color and charm with their chemistry and antics as they take a seemingly mundane situation and escalate it across the course of the film. Youu0026#39;ll find aspects of them that are relatable and human, yet the progression of events keeps you wondering what theyu0026#39;ll do next. This movie presents a relationship crisis at a wacky intersection of suspense, heart, silly surrealism, and vivid moments that have you laughing with no warning. Come with with an open mind, and leave entertained.”