Shadow of Evil (1964)
41KShadow of Evil (1964). 1h 32m
“Very sympathetic piece of French u0026quot;cinéma-bisu0026quot; as well as French u0026quot;popular cinema of qualityu0026quot;. The color photography of Bangkok using FranScope – equivalent of the CinemaScope – is wonderful and one is always surprised to check how this city has changed since 1964 : amazing shots of Shilom, and of the first u0026quot;car behind caru0026quot; streets in the center. Hunnebelle shots all the aspects of Thailand with a sure sense of good filmaker : jungle, city, lost temple. As for the genre, it is a subtle mixing of spy movie, horror movie (Robert u0026quot;LE VAMPIRE DE DUSSELDORFu0026quot; Hossein is amazing in mad doctor), erotic movie (Pier Angeli u0026amp; Dominique Wilms are beautiful). Kerwin Matthews is u0026quot;honorableu0026quot; though maybe a little less u0026quot;à lu0026#39;aiseu0026quot; than Frederick Stafford in the leading role. Recently released on French cable in beautiful new prints respecting the original size, this full serie of O.S.S. 117 u0026quot;made in Franceu0026quot; but u0026quot;shot outdoorsu0026quot; between in the 60u0026#39;s is quite refreshing and keeps an unaltered charm so far… Whit not a DVD release in a collector coffret including all the movies of the serie, somme commentaries and some original poster and lobby cards reproductions ?”