Twogether (1992)
15K Comedy Drama Genre Romance Andrew Chiaramonte Arlen Daleske Barry Herman Bob Bird Brenda Bakke Christian Bocher Damian London Daniel Roebuck Deborah Driggs Ellen Albertini Dow Ellen Dolan Freddie Dawson Jennifer Bassey Jeremy Piven Jerry Bossard Jim Beaver Kristi Knudson Lauren Grey Long Yun Margaret Muse Mohhib Jivan Nick Cassavetes Rachel Storey Ronda Anderson-Sand Sally Kellerman Scott R. Thompson Simon Erickson Stanley Grover Stephanie Zimbalist Sue Johnson Flemke Tom Dugan Tom Knickerbocker William Bumiller 1992 4.7 Andrew Chiaramonte English South Korea
Twogether: Directed by Andrew Chiaramonte. With Nick Cassavetes, Brenda Bakke, Jeremy Piven, Jim Beaver. An artist and an environmentalist go through an up and down relationship over the years. They get married in an early fling, she gets pregnant as they celebrate their divorce together, they deal with his nude artwork and her tempermental situation as they learn about her strict upbringing and her fear of commitment based on her father’s unflinching attitudes.
“While I was watching this movie, I kept asking myself why a luscious woman like Brenda Bakke would be paired with this dweeb (am I being too hard?). I would have enjoyed Twogether far more if a more masculine actor was in the lead. Opportunity lost.”