Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar (2022)
30K Adventure Alena Dawn Ana Boone Anahit Setian Elise Muller Garo Setian Hunter Setian Jean Heathen Jed Rowen Jessie Davis Joe Knetter Lamont Couch Matthew Rosvally Michael Paré Miranda Cover Olivier Gruner Rachele Brooke Smith Sadie Katz Sarah French Tyler Gallant Wes Hubbard 2022 4.7 English Garo Setian United States
Space Wars: Quest for the Deepstar (2022). 1h 30m
“When you remember your childhood, you remember the fun you had at certain movies. You remember the sense of wonder, the fun, the action. If you want a film that will bring it all back to you in a brand new film and a great story, this is the film for you! When films these days come out they are typically about the end of the world, in some sort of really grim way. They are almost always post-apocalyptic, dark and negative. Where has all the fun gone? It has gone here! Garo Setian, the films director, remembers those films and respects them. He wants to take you back there and make you glad you spent some time with these characters!”