Argentina Fans Kaattoorkadavu (2019)
22K Drama Genre Sport Aishwarya Lekshmi Aji John Aneesh Gopal Anu K. Aniyan Arjun Ratan Ashokan Cheruvil Austin Dan Biju Manjooran Dhanesh Koliyat John Manthrickal Kalidas Jayaram Karthika Menon Manikandan Pallippat Midhun Manuel Thomas Neeraj Paul D. Joseph Roopa Lakshmi Sonia Giri Syam Cargoz Zhinz Shan 2019 7.1 India Malayalam Midhun Manuel Thomas
Argentina Fans Kaattoorkadavu: Directed by Midhun Manuel Thomas. With Kalidas Jayaram, Aishwarya Lekshmi, Austin Dan, Aneesh Gopal. The film is set on the background of an Argentine football team fan Vipinan between their reign from the 2010 to 2018 FIFA world cups.
“Midhun Manuel Thomasu0026#39;s Argentina Fans Kaattoorkadavu is a soulless drama about a bunch of jobless individuals fighting it out against each other as members of fan clubs of international soccer teams which should ideally have been a side arc in a film about the lives of the people of any random village/town in the Indian state of Kerala. TN.”