Blackbird (2012)
29K Drama Adam Coveyduc Alex Ozerov-Meyer Alexia Fast Amnon Buchbinder Bill Carr Brian Heighton Chase Duffy Connor Jessup Craig Arnold Hezekiah Armstrong Jason Buxton Jeremy Akerman John Beale Kevin Kincaid Liam Cyr Michael Buie Noel S. Baker Riley James Hinds-Colley Sadie Buxton Tanya Clarke Wayne Burns 2012 7 English France Jason Buxton
Blackbird (2012). Blackbird: Directed by Jason Buxton. With Connor Jessup, Alexia Fast, Michael Buie, Alex Ozerov-Meyer. An alienated teenager's posturing online threat ignites a firestorm of fear in a small community.
“This film did a excellent job showing how social media and status has turned are world upside down.”