Voidfinder (2017)
61K Genre Horror Thriller Barry Jaynes Billy Kelly Cameron Jaynes Chris McIver Courtney Lakin Edward Case Erin Dangler Hal Burdick James Filanowski Jeremy Kuhn Jordan Forte Mike Rae Anderson Miles Neuvirth Nicole Burgess Ollie Anne Rory Boyd Rowan Christienne Jaynes Sean McCracken Stephanie Howard Tank Jones Tracey Coppedge Zoey Norris 2017 7.1 English Hal Burdick United States
Voidfinder: Directed by Hal Burdick. With Mike Rae Anderson, Ollie Anne, Rory Boyd, Nicole Burgess. A supernatural stalker pursues a super model to steal her soul with his demonic camera.
“Itu0026#39;s the cheapo Oculus with the siblings who watched a mirror ghost take over their daddy and kill both parents but the brother is locked up for the crimes. Years later the brother is released to successful sister but the ghost in the mirror is still there. It is so bad that I wonu0026#39;t insult all the movies it rips off by listing them. (Sorry Oculus)”