Die Nacht der lachenden Leichen (1973)
28K Comedy Genre Horror Mystery Aimée Delamain Alphonse Joseph Anoop Menon Ansar Anvi Asha Aravind Ashlin Joseph Chitra Clive Exton Dibin Elizabeth MacLennan Frankie Howerd Hugh Burden Indrans John Bennett Johny Antony Kabeer Kaitlyn Ross Cunha Kenneth Griffith Kiran Aravindakshan Kishor Kpsc Lalitha Linchu Joseph Nalsen K. Gafoor Peter Munt Peter Sykes Ray Milland Rojin Thomas Rosalie Crutchley Ruth Dunning Shaju K.S. Sreenath Bhasi Terry Nation Vijay Babu 1973 7.3 India Malayalam Peter Sykes
Die Nacht der lachenden Leichen: Directed by Peter Sykes. With Frankie Howerd, Ray Milland, Hugh Burden, Kenneth Griffith. In 1907, an actor is invited to perform in an isolated country house, and becomes involved in mysterious and dangerous events.
“A nice family entertainment drama movie with lots comedy. The movie will keep us fully entertained till last. Must watch movie.”