Interviewing Monsters and Bigfoot (2019)
46K Comedy Genre A.J. Koehler Brian Kowalski Bryan Kreutz David Graham David Wassilak Elise Edwards Jeff Evans Jessi Combs Les Stroud Lexi Street Micheal D. King Rick Dyer Robert W. Evans Roy Ward Scott Michael Dunn Skully Shemwell Stacy Brown Jr. Tera Eckerle Thomas Smugala Tom Green William Hamblin 2019 3.1 Brazil English Thomas Smugala
Interviewing Monsters and Bigfoot: Directed by Thomas Smugala. With Tom Green, Les Stroud, Stacy Brown Jr., Jessi Combs. Cory Mathis, a respected college professor, claims a mythical forest creature killed his wife transforming him into a man haunted by obsession and revenge.
“Barebower…. seriously dude! Come out of your moms basement. This is no Titanic or Gone With The Wind. But itu0026#39;s funny. Kills time. Classic low budget comedy So shut it. Have a beer And laugh. Because this movie is simply stupid comedy. And love it.”