Love Exposure (2008)
14K Action Comedy Drama Genre Arata Yamanaka Atsuro Watabe Atsushi Yamanaka Hikari Mitsushima Hiroyuki Onoue Junya Iwamoto Kiyomi Aratani Kôichi Koshimura Makiko Watanabe Mami Nakamura Motoki Ochiai Ryôichi Suzuki Sakura Andô Sango Shingo Tanaka Sion Sono Sô Hirosawa Takahiro Nishijima Tasuku Nagaoka Yûko Genkaku Yutaka Shimizu 2008 7.1 Germany Japanese Sion Sono
Love Exposure: Directed by Sion Sono. With Takahiro Nishijima, Hikari Mitsushima, Sakura Andô, Yutaka Shimizu. A bizarre love triangle forms between a young Catholic upskirt photographer, a misandric girl and a manipulative cultist.
“This film is it. There is comedy, there is beautiful feminine skin, there is religion and there is a mysterious enchantress and gang.nThe film is nearly four hours long and not for one second the viewer is bored.nPS: East Asia is so much more liberated and human than my country. Good for them.”