American Insurrection (2021)
31K Action Adventure Drama Amel Khalil Andrew Kaempfer Brandon Perea Chad Knorr Christopher Halladay Danny Schoch Gary Hilborn Jarret Kerr Laurie Segall Louisa Krause Mark Beckerman Michael Raymond-James Nadine Malouf Nathaniel Peart Nick Westrate Oliver Samuels Sarah Wharton Toby Leonard Moore Tracy Westmoreland Tye Alexander William Sullivan 2021 4.7 English United States William Sullivan
American Insurrection (2021). American Insurrection: Directed by William Sullivan. With Nadine Malouf, Nick Westrate, Brandon Perea, Sarah Wharton. Set in a dystopian America where all people who aren’t straight, white, Christian and cis gender are kept track of by the government with bar codes.
“The exact opposite of what is actually happening in America. The End.”