Lego Star Wars Gruselgeschichten (TV Movie 2021)
29K Action Adventure Animation A.J. LoCascio Barbara Goodson Christian Slater Dana Snyder Danny Jacobs David Acord David Shayne Eric Bauza Jake Green James Arnold Taylor Ken Cunningham Mary Elizabeth McGlynn Matt Sloan Matthew Wood Raphael Alejandro Tony Hale Trevor Devall 2021 6.5 English Germany Ken Cunningham
Lego Star Wars Gruselgeschichten (TV Movie 2021). Lego Star Wars Gruselgeschichten: Directed by Ken Cunningham. With Jake Green, A.J. LoCascio, Barbara Goodson, Christian Slater. Dean, Poe and BB-8 must face their fears, stop an ancient evil from rising, and escape to make it back to their friends.
“Dana Snyder brings the comedy to graballanHe did an amazing job in the thundermans as dr colosonIt was just as good as the Lego Star Wars holiday special,nWatch itnFun for the family.”