Out of Time (2021)
7K Action Drama Anthony S. Johnson Beth Scherr Blake Boyd Cole Gerdes Daniel Gavin David Schroeder Ellen Schoeters Gary Fredo Jessica Graves Davis Jordan James Smith Justin Sintic Katie Rediger Kimberlee Kidd Kurt Long La'Chris Jordan Mark Andrews Matt Handy Nadège August Scott Peat Timothy Mittel Turi Haim 2021 5.8 English Matt Handy United States
Out of Time (2021). Out of Time: Directed by Matt Handy. With Nadège August, Blake Boyd, Kurt Long, Gary Fredo. 3 aliens, able to host different human bodies, are on a mission to kill all humans and wait for their fleet’s arrival to Earth. A special agent and an LAPD detective are on their tail.
“This is a very low budget film, especially the first ten minutes or so. As such I was prepared to nap my way through it but surprisingly it really picks up about twenty minutes in. From then on itu0026#39;s a perfectly good little movie that I quite enjoyed. Thereu0026#39;s no reason for the negative reviews. If anything itu0026#39;s a bit above average for its budget and genre.”