Bad Impulse (2019)
13K Drama Genre Horror Thriller Allan Cheng Bjorn Johnson Christine Dunford Dan Lauria David Coussins Dee Dee Sorvino Edouard Philipponnat Elena Sanz Garrett Backstrom Grant Bowler James Landry Hébert Jason Chase Tyrrell Meitar Paz Michelle Danner Paul Sorvino Rebecca Black Rene Rosado Savannah Lathem Sonya Walger Stephanie Cayo Tracy Melchior 2019 4.3 English Michelle Danner United States
Bad Impulse: Directed by Michelle Danner. With Sonya Walger, Paul Sorvino, Stephanie Cayo, Dan Lauria. In the aftermath of a traumatic event, a suburban husband and father buys a cutting edge home security system, only to find that it slowly destroys that which he most wants to protect.
“Bad Impulse is an excellent film with a great cast. I especially loved Grant Bowler, Sonya Walger, Nicholas Danner and Paul Sorvino. The plot of the film is unpredictable and therefore very exciting. Iu0026#39;m looking forward to the next Michelle Danner film.”