Meister der Verwandlung (2002)
9K Adventure Comedy Family Genre Austin Wolff Brent Spiner Carrick O'Quinn Dana Carvey Edie McClurg Harold Gould Harris Goldberg James Brolin Jay Johnston Jennifer Esposito John Tenn Kenan Thompson Maria Canals-Barrera Mark Devine Mark Ginther Michael Bailey Smith Mitch Silpa Perry Andelin Blake Rachel Lederman Robert Machray Vincent Riverside Virginia Hawkins 2002 3.4 English Perry Andelin Blake United States
Meister der Verwandlung: Directed by Perry Andelin Blake. With Dana Carvey, Jennifer Esposito, Harold Gould, James Brolin. An Italian waiter fights off a criminal mastermind with his inherited powers of disguise.
“this movie was way way way way kiddish, it was cute and everything, a cute idea and all that but it was way too kiddish for anyone over 8, i mean it was funny at some parts but kind of annoying at most, i wouldnt reccomend it for many, it bored me right down to the ground so dont go see it unless your with your little brother or sister or are a parent”