The Kid Detective (2020)
31K Comedy Drama Genre Mystery Adam Brody Alan Catlin Barbara Rajnovich Brent Skagford Carter Kowal David Rosser Evan Morgan Giovanna Moore Griffin Wardle Jake Bell-Webster Jesse Noah Gruman Jonathan Whittaker Kaitlyn Chalmers-Rizzato Kaleb Horn Kira Gelineau Madalyn Martin Olivia Williams Sarah Sutherland Steve Gagne Talyssa Therrien Wendy Crewson 2020 6.9 English Evan Morgan Italy
The Kid Detective: Directed by Evan Morgan. With Kaitlyn Chalmers-Rizzato, Adam Brody, Kaleb Horn, Wendy Crewson. A once-celebrated kid detective, now 32, continues to solve the same trivial mysteries between hangovers and bouts of self-pity. Until a naive client brings him his first ‘adult’ case, to find out who brutally murdered her boyfriend.
“Sneaky compelling. Adam Brodyu0026#39;s style… deadpan delivery of lines keeps you hooked. You get vested and want to know what happened. Canadian film too which surprised me more… a movie I expected would be the usual 4 or something I just didnu0026#39;t finish. But itu0026#39;s good and itu0026#39;s a bit different… and you kinda want to see it to the end.”