Where Children Play (2015)
56K Drama Genre Alexandra Fagins Brian White Eddie Flake Edwina Findley Ken Colquitt Kori Elmore Kylee Russell Laura Patalano Leila Djansi Leon Macy Gray Margeaux Reign Miranda Bailey Osas Ighodaro Palmer Davis Peggy Glenn Rigo Obezo Shawn Turner Tanya Alexander Teyonah Parris Travis Baehr 2015 4.7 English Leila Djansi
Where Children Play: Directed by Leila Djansi. With Macy Gray, Teyonah Parris, Brian White, Leon. A young woman is forced to face her childhood demons. When tasked with returning home to care for her ailing abusive father.
“Where children play depicts admirable acting but the pace of the movie is too slow, too many genres. A relief when it ends.”