Kanzen-naru shiiku (1999)
47K Drama Genre Akemi Ichikawa Asami Sawaki Ben Wada Eri Watanabe Etsuko Kubota Guts Ishimatsu Hijiri Kojima Hirokazu Okazaki Kaneto Shindô Katsumi Matsumara Katsuski Mizushima Kazuki Kitamura Kenji Miwa Michiko Matsuda Mitsuko Ishii Naoto Takenaka Ryôsuke Nogi Shigeru Izumiya Shin'ya Tsukamoto Shunji Miyagawa Tadashi Arifuku Yasuto Ayada Yûta Sone 1999 7 Ben Wada Japan Japanese
Kanzen-naru shiiku: Directed by Ben Wada. With Naoto Takenaka, Hijiri Kojima, Kazuki Kitamura, Asami Sawaki. A middle-aged man kidnaps a high-school girl with the intention of training her to be the perfect partner.
“The staggering success of 50 Shades of Grey has once again revealed to the world what women deep down in their lizard brains really want. Feminists will shriek in protest but deep down even they have these fantasies, or maybe even more so. This japanese movie takes this revelation in evolutionary psychology to its ultimate conclusion. Reading the summary I was expecting a far darker film, but itu0026#39;s actually quite mellow and even funny at times.nNot bad.”