Scooby-Doo und das Schneemonster (Video 2007)
27K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Adam Scheinman Alfred Molina Bob Gunton Brian Libby Casey Kasem Clancy Brown David Proval Frank Darabont Frank Welker Gil Bellows Gordon Greene Grey Griffin James Hong James Sie James Whitmore Jeff Bennett Jeffrey DeMunn Joe Sichta John Horton Joseph Ragno Jude Ciccolella Kim Mai Guest Larry Brandenburg Mark Rolston Mindy Cohn Morgan Freeman Neil Giuntoli Paul McCrane Rene Auberjonois Renee Blaine Scott Mann Stephen King Thommy Hutson Tim Robbins William Sadler 2007 6.7 English Joe Sichta United States
Scooby-Doo und das Schneemonster: Directed by Joe Sichta. With Frank Welker, Casey Kasem, Mindy Cohn, Grey Griffin. The gang’s vacation to Paris takes a wrong turn when Scooby and Shaggy miss their flight and end up on a skydiving expedition in the Himalayas. To make matters worse, upon arrival they must outrun the Abominable Snowmonster.
“This movie is amazing. I enjoyed it so much. This movie is the foundation of my very being. Without it, I would probably crumble into in existence. Once again, Scooby Doo makes perfection.”