Unfallen (2017)
50K Action Adventure Genre War Aida Rodriguez Aleksandr Rykov Alix Foedisch Andre McCoy Bharathimani Bruce L. Hart Dante Darrell Geer Elijah DeJesus Garrett Miller James Hong James Nasimi Josh Hodgins Josh Keeler Karl Gates Ma ka Pa Anand Michael Madsen Michelle Loucadoux Nikhila Vimal Pandiarajan Pandu Qahramon Murod Rebekah Kochan Ryan Poole S.P. Mohan Sendrayan Stephen Chang Vanessa Leigh Vidyullekha Raman Willow Sky Rusciolelli 2017 India null S.P. Mohan Tamil
Unfallen: Directed by Dante, Josh Hodgins. With Michael Madsen, James Hong, Rebekah Kochan, Aida Rodriguez. Seven year-old old twin brothers, separated during the Civil War in Tajikistan, face each other years later in a new war where one is an American soldier and the other is Taliban.
“I couldnu0026#39;t get past the first 15 minuets, the acting is so poor I began to get a headache. Iu0026#39;m a big fan of B movies but this is a z movie zzzzzzzzzzzz. I have no idea why people make such films it really is a wast of money; they would be better investing it in a picture with bigger fish to fry.I gave 2 …1 for picking up the camera and 2 for turing it on. Please donu0026#39;t attempt to make a movie again, thanks”