Die Weite der Nacht (2019)
34K Drama Genre Mystery Adam Dietrich Andrew Patterson Brandon Stewart Brett Brock Bruce Davis Cheyenne Barton Craig W. Sanger Gail Cronauer Gregory Peyton Ingrid Fease Jake Horowitz James Mayberry Kirk Griffith Lynn Blackburn Mallorie Rodak Mark Banik Mollie Milligan Nicolette Doke Nika Sage McKenna Pam Dougherty Richard Jackson Sierra McCormick 2019 6.4 Andrew Patterson English Germany
Die Weite der Nacht: Directed by Andrew Patterson. With Sierra McCormick, Jake Horowitz, Gail Cronauer, Bruce Davis. One night in New Mexico, in the late 1950s, a switchboard operator and radio DJ discover a strange audio frequency which could change the future forever.
“Be it War of the Worlds, Twilight Zone or The Day the Earth Stood Still, this science fiction romp through a small fictional New Mexico town pays homage to them all. A fun little romp that even tips itu0026#39;s cap to Close Encounters. For those that crave lots of action, look elsewhere; for those of you who like a story and will allow it to develop, you wonu0026#39;t be disappointed. This is a small cast gem.”