Royal Corgi – Der Liebling der Queen (2019)
42K Animation Comedy Family Genre Anthony Skordi Ben Stassen Camila Rhodes Daniel Wolfe Dave B. Mitchell David A. Alano Dino Andrade Elizabeth Dean Jamal Fahim Jo Wyatt Joey Camen Johnny Smith Kirk Thornton Lani Minella Leo Barakat Lin Gallagher Madison Brown Mari Devon Millie Mup Paul Gregory Rob Sprackling Rose Thurloe Rusty Shackleford Vincent Kesteloot 2019 6.7 English Germany Vincent Kesteloot
Royal Corgi – Der Liebling der Queen: Directed by Vincent Kesteloot, Ben Stassen. With Rusty Shackleford, Jo Wyatt, Leo Barakat, Mari Devon. The British monarch’s (Dame Julie Walters’) favorite dog gets lost from the palace and finds himself at a dog fight club. He then begins his long journey to find his way back home.
“Some funny jokes and a cute queen gave me good laughs…I didnu0026#39;t expect more, so I couldnu0026#39;t be that dissapointed. The animation is quite good for a european movie and the queen and his husband look hilarous :)”