Un ange (2018)
62K Drama Genre Romance Abdoul Aziz Seye Aïcha Cissé Alexander Blumenthal Bernadette Soatou Dieynanba Janie Ndione Dimitri Verhulst Eric Berlito Fatou N'Diaye Fou Malade Kilifeu Koen Mortier Lieven Noterman Nancy Debuy Makhtar Diop Matar Diouf Mouhamadou Diarra Ndiaga Mbow Paul Bartel Richard Gueye Rokhaya Niang Ronnie Kreeft Vincent Rottiers Yankhouba Diop 2018 7 Belgium French Koen Mortier
Un ange: Directed by Koen Mortier. With Fatou N’Diaye, Vincent Rottiers, Paul Bartel, Aïcha Cissé. Un Ange follows the encounter of a prostitute, Fae, and a world-famous athlete, Thierry.
“A film about frustrations, fears, love and refuges. A famous Belgian cyclist and a Senegalese prostitute. And beautiful proects about future. A dark change of him. And his death. Her words and her lost chance and her innocence . The main virtue – the admirable acting. More than a film, a powerful – delicate poem about options and the hell of loneliness, pressure and obsession about career, illusions – in the style of Tennesee Williams plays and the cruel reality.”