Foster Boy (2019)
34K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Amy Brenneman Anand Desai-Barochia Angela Ai Blake Altounian Brendan Morrow Clayton Farris Dominic Burgess Evan Handler Grant Harvey Greg Germann Jay Paul Deratany Jordan Belfi Julie Benz Krystian Alexander Lyttle Lex Scott Davis Louis Gossett Jr. Matthew Modine Michael Beach Michael Hyatt Shane Paul McGhie Youssef Delara 2019 6.2 English United States Youssef Delara
Foster Boy: Directed by Youssef Delara. With Matthew Modine, Shane Paul McGhie, Lex Scott Davis, Julie Benz. Michael is a high-powered lawyer and Jamal is an angry young man who has been imprisoned after years of abuse in the foster care system. Together they have to overcome their differences to find justice and expose the foster care system.
“The premise of this film is the sick side of the foster industry, which got my blood boiling; personally it could of used more of that context, painting us a more gruesome picture of that reality.. but I donu0026#39;t think I will chip away at the rating for the directoru0026#39;s discrepancies. Overall itu0026#39;s very uplifting and makes you want to join the fight – I know I have!”