White Night (2017)
8K Comedy Drama Genre Adam Booth Brian Hamilton Christina Notto Dan Slater Darrell Faria Darren Eisnor Dennis Long Devan Cohen Eric Hicks Jake Raymond James Chilli Chillingworth Jason Szwimer Jonathan Keltz Kimberly Laferriere Matt Purdy Natalie Brown P.H. Bergeron Parveen Kaur Sara Mitich Sonny Atkins Stephen Joffe Sugith Varughese Tara Yelland Tommy Matejka Wayne Burns 2017 5.6 Canada English Sonny Atkins
White Night: Directed by Sonny Atkins, P.H. Bergeron, Brian Hamilton, Matt Purdy, Dan Slater. With Jonathan Keltz, Sara Mitich, Natalie Brown, Adam Booth. Set in the sleepless night of Nuit Blanche, White Night follows five different stories of people as they weave their way through various art installations tackling the issues of, love, losses, and the inevitability of getting old.
“Good time pass during this quarantine to watch the mix of 5 different stories of seven idealistic millenials life in 1 single movie. But as each story is directed by different director so all do not possess the same quality of work. So, it crates the little mess at the end.”