Cellar Secret (2016)
51K Genre Horror Thriller Adora Belle Johnson Aishwarya Andrew 'Shotgun' Smith Arun Ghosh Ashlyn Miller Clare Hammerich Crystal R. Kinsley Deanna Deadly Derek L. Cook Guthrie Bonnett Heidi Engelbert James Magnum Cook Jen Berna Joe DeBartolo John J. Jackson Jose Sanchez Jude Fox K.K. Sudhakaran Keith G. Cooper Kurup Mararikulam Michael Wade Johnson Misty Simmons-Poteet Portia Chellelynn Rasna Ravi Vallathol Ravyn Rose Johnson Scott Eckelberry Shellilynn 2016 English Kurup Mararikulam null United States
Cellar Secret: Directed by Michael Wade Johnson. With Joe DeBartolo, Portia Chellelynn, Derek L. Cook, Shellilynn. Rick and Virginia Sims have a simple, spiritual life together when they are given the gift of an unexpected pregnancy. Blessings can be deadly. When Rick is left to raise their daughter on his own, Dalana becomes the sole importance in her father’s world. As Dalana grows up and tries to have a life of her own, Rick must take steps to insure that she will never leave him.
“This is a very good movie with pretty talented cast .”