Agent of Deceit (TV Movie 2019)
32K Drama Genre Mystery Thriller Anthony Richard Pagliaro Anthony Turk Ardeshir Radpour Brandon Jarrett Brock Burnett Bryan Lillis Caia Coley Cara Santana Chelsea Ricketts Harvey B. Jackson John Burd Joy A. Kennelly Kimberly Arland Michael Feifer Michael Welch Nicole Ochoa Shari Belafonte Veronika Mindal 2019 4.5 English Michael Feifer United States
Agent of Deceit: Directed by Michael Feifer. With Chelsea Ricketts, Michael Welch, Bryan Lillis, Cara Santana. A woman begins to look into the background of the cop who is investigating her friend’s case.
“Bad acting, bad script. u0026quot;Staru0026quot; too trusting. What women would allow a cop to install a security system and what cop pay for it. Music way too loubd, couldnu0026#39;t here the dialogue. No smooth transition between scenes.”