The Honey Killer (2011)
65K Comedy Drama Genre Adam Goldberg Antonio Marascal Perez Brian Grazer Chen Shilony David Powell Ed Harris Jennifer Connelly Josh Lucas Laurie Crowter Marcus Petre Michael C. Pierce Peter Cadwell Richard Harrison Robert Stone Ron Howard Ruben Crow Russell Crowe 2011 5 English Richard Harrison United Kingdom
The Honey Killer: Directed by Richard Harrison. With Peter Cadwell, Ruben Crow, Antonio Marascal Perez, Marcus Petre. 48 highly charged hours in the life of public school-fool, and Hedge-fund manager Darry Maddock, and his battle with the ultimate femme fatale. This multi-award winning film was made on a shoestring budget of just $30K.
“After Revenge, another male bashing movie joins the list: u0026quot;The honey killer is a movie where the women just have sex with her dates and then proceeds to hurt them in whatever physical ways she deems physically possible. There is no actual plot, there is no actual character development, just smashing men for no real purpose.”