Homeless (2015)
42K Drama Genre Amy Mohan Anna Fields Billy Cummings Bruce Florence Carole Midura Clay Riley Hassler Deborah Keller Gerald Blakney Hosanna Gourley J.W. Buriss Jeffrey Felts Julie Dunagan Karen Wheeling Reynolds Kelsey Browne Lance Megginson Michael Francis Paolucci Michael McDowell Parker Townsend Ralph Murphey Ron Dunn Tammy Bason Willis Miller 2015 6.6 Clay Riley Hassler English United States
Homeless: Directed by Clay Riley Hassler. With Michael McDowell, Lance Megginson, Julie Dunagan, Hosanna Gourley. An 18 year old boy navigates his way through life in a shelter after the passing of his grandmother.
“Gosh is a guy going through a hard time Due to no fault of his own.nThis movie is a must watch but stick with it to the end, there is a message here.nHe learns to say thank you through the movie itu0026#39;s a true reflection of someone going through pain and uncertainty.nPeople come and go through his life he had no one sticks, Well you need to see what happens at the end.”