Kokoro ni fuku kaze (2017)
60K Drama Genre Romance Chikayo Tashiro Daikichi Sugawara Ed Boon Ethan Spaulding Grey Griffin Hidekazu Mashima Jennifer Carpenter Jeremy Adams Jin Suzuki Joel McHale John Tobias Masumi Sanada Matthew Mercer Minako Osanai Ren Komai Seok-ho Yun Tomoe Kanno Tomoharu Hasegawa 2017 Ethan Spaulding Japan Japanese null
Kokoro ni fuku kaze: Directed by Seok-ho Yun. With Hidekazu Mashima, Masumi Sanada, Tomoharu Hasegawa, Ren Komai. Video artist Ryosuke visits the suburb of Furano in Hokkaido, where his friend lives, in order to shoot a video. His car breaks down and Ryosuke decides to walk to a house and ask for a phone. The person that opens the door is his former girlfriend and first love Haruka. They meet for the first time in 23 years. Even though Ryosuke knows that she is married, he takes her to his video shooting and they get close. Ryosuke leaves Hokkaido in 2 days and he asks Haruka to spend one more day with him.