Go for Broke! (1951)

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Go for Broke!: Directed by Robert Pirosh. With Van Johnson, Lane Nakano, George Miki, Akira Fukunaga. The story of Japanese-American soldiers who fought in Europe during World War II.

“This little-known film is an interesting dramatic study of real life Japanese-Americans who volunteered to fight for their country despite the interment of their families back in the u0026#39;States. Their amazing heroism and patriotism is shown in contrast to the rascism and general mistrust they are shown by white members of the US army that they encounter. Racial issues such as their treatment compared to German-Americans or Italian-Americans are dealt with, but not in a heavy handed way. The dialogue is surprisingly believable and interesting, and even amusing. The battle sequences are good but nothing like Saving Private Ryan – this is a 1950s film, after all. All WWII film buffs should make a point of seeing this film, which sometimes appears on the History Channel.”


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