Ooops! 2 – Land in Sicht (2020)
42K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Acadia Colan Adrien Brody Aileen Mythen Alan Stanford Alisha Weir Allegra Fulton Ava Connolly Brendan McDonald Carly Kane Charlie Rhindress Christian Ulmen Christopher Heyerdahl Dean Armstrong Dermot Magennis Devante Senior Emily Hampshire Emmi Tjernström Genevieve DeGraves Glenn Lefchak Gord Rand Ian Ho Jacob Mason Janin Ullmann Jennifer Ens Joanne Boland Joe McDonald Julian Richings Luke Griffin Mark Hodkinson Mary Murray Max Carolan Michael Hough Paul Tylak Rebecca Walsh Richie Conroy Sean McCormack Sebastien Labelle Sirena Gulamgaus Stephen King Steven McCarthy Tara Flynn Tim Mälzer Toby Genkel Trina Corkum English null Toby Genkel United States
Ooops! 2 – Land in Sicht: Directed by Toby Genkel, Sean McCormack. With Max Carolan, Dermot Magennis, Ava Connolly, Tara Flynn. Adrift on a flood, two misfit castaways struggle to reunite an unorthodox family, out-run a volcano, and negotiate a peace deal on a creaking Ark.
“I think it speaks volumes that there were zero laughs from children or adults in the cinema and when the lights came on there was only us and one other family left in the theatre.”