Sanmon yakusha (2000)
10K Drama Genre Romance Daijirô Harada Hideko Yoshida Hisako Hara Kaneto Shindô Katsumi Kiba Keiko Oginome Kirina Mano Kôichi Ueda Kuriko Namino Maiko Kawakami Masayuki Shionoya Mitsuko Baishô Moeko Ezawa Naomasa Musaka Naoto Takenaka Nobuko Otowa Rinko Kikuchi Terumi Niki Tomorô Taguchi Yoji Tanaka Yutaka Matsushige 2000 6.2 Japan Japanese Kaneto Shindô
Sanmon yakusha: Directed by Kaneto Shindô. With Naoto Takenaka, Keiko Oginome, Hideko Yoshida, Nobuko Otowa. Film inspired by the life of Japanese actor Taiji Tonoyama, with whom Kaneto Shindo had worked on many occasions, with the help of archive images and fragments of the most famous films of the director. The actress Nobuko Otowa adds dialogues facing the camera, as if she was talking to Tonoyama and remembering together old episodes of the interpreter, a past marked by alcoholism and a hectic sex life.