Icing on the Cake (2020)
42K Drama Genre Romance Amanda Goodyear Brad Benedict Brian Childers Buzz Van Dyke Douglas Spain Elizabeth Snoderly Ferguson Sauvé-Rogan George S. Lima Jacob Keohane Jann Van Dyke Katrina Norman Kirsten Krehbiel Lexi Giovagnoli Lisa Chapman Tyler Perry 2020 5.7 English Ferguson Sauvé-Rogan United States
Icing on the Cake: Directed by Ferguson Sauvé-Rogan. With Katrina Norman, Brad Benedict, Lexi Giovagnoli, Douglas Spain. A baker mistakes a wealthy bachelor for a waiter and the two quickly fall in love, not realizing his company is trying to evict her bakery.
“Too cliche.. nothing interesting about it. Just a wastage of time really”