Angelas Weihnachtswunsch (2020)
51K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Abner Caraballo Aimee Mullins Amanda Welles Anya O'Connor Brendan Mullins Caitriona Balfe Chris Perfetti Claire Foy Damien O'Connor David Hoflin Don Wycherley Ezra Buzzington Francis Rosas Frank McCourt Hani Al Naimi Henry Hereford James Nolan James V. Hart Janet Moran Jared Harris John Malkovich Julian Sands Lauren Shaw Lola Metcalfe Lucy O'Connell Marisé Álvarez Moe Dunford Natalie Hoflin Neil Cross Omar Cruz Soto Oscar Butler Pat Kinevane Peter Stebbings Reema Sampat Richard Coyle Ruth Negga Shona Hamill Tracy Ifeachor Yasmine Al Massri 2020 6.5 Damien O'Connor English Germany
Angelas Weihnachtswunsch: Directed by Damien O’Connor. With Anya O’Connor, Ruth Negga, Moe Dunford, Lucy O’Connell. A sequel to the much loved Angela’s Christmas, Angela’s Christmas Wish is a heart-warming tale of a determined little girl who sets out to reunite her family in time for Christmas.
“Was an Authentic story that brought back the memories out childhood”