Maya the Bee 3: The Golden Orb (2021)
37K Adventure Animation Genre Adrian Bickenbach Benson Jack Anthony Callan Colley Cam Ralph Christian Charisiou Coco Jack Gillies Darren Sabadina David Collins Evie Gillies Fin Edquist Frances Berry Jimmy James Eaton Jordan Rainford Justine Clarke Noel Cleary Sam Haft Shane Dundas Tess Meyer Tin Pang Tom Cossettini 32021 4.9 English Germany Noel Cleary
Maya the Bee 3: The Golden Orb: Directed by Noel Cleary. With Coco Jack Gillies, Benson Jack Anthony, Jimmy James Eaton, Tess Meyer. When Maya, a headstrong little bee, and her best friend Willi, rescue an ant princess they find themselves in the middle of an epic bug battle that will take them to strange new worlds and test their friendship to its limits.