Boo! (2018)
7K Drama Genre Horror Mystery Anthony Kurkowski Aurora Perrineau Austin Reckart Charley Palmer Rothwell Dan John Miller Diane Michelle Dwight Henry Felix McCarthy Jaden Piner Jill Marie Jones Kaden Brosowski Kurt Schneider Luke Jaden Reuben Blumenstein Rob Zabrecky Torque 2018 3.7 English Kuwait Luke Jaden
Boo!: Directed by Luke Jaden. With Jaden Piner, Rob Zabrecky, Aurora Perrineau, Jill Marie Jones. A torn suburban family refuses to heed the warning of an innocent prank left upon them which causes an unknown supernatural force to wreak havoc.
“Nothing happens. Itu0026#39;s the the biggest most boring piece of crap I have ever sat through.”