Der Havarist (1984)
60K Drama Genre Burkhard Driest Dieter Schidor Donald Arthur Enno Patalas Hans Günther Pflaum Hans Noever Hans Quest Hans-Michael Rehberg Imo Moszkowicz Kent O. Doering Klaus Emmerich Klaus Schreyer Kristina van Eyck Martin Moszkowicz Michael Krueger Nicolas Brieger Paul B. Kleiser Roger Fritz Sterling Hayden Wolf Heckmann Wolf-Eckart Bühler 1984 7 German West Germany Wolf-Eckart Bühler
Der Havarist: Directed by Wolf-Eckart Bühler. With Donald Arthur, Nicolas Brieger, Kent O. Doering, Burkhard Driest. An adaptation of actor Sterling Hayden’s autobiography, WANDERER, with three different actors portraying Hayden in his various aspects, with special focus on Hayden’s brief flirtation with the communist party, his testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Un-American Activities, and his subsequent lifelong shame at having named others in his testimony. The film depends on Hayden’s actual words from his autobiography and is both documentary and meditation on the psychology of the actor.