The Magic School Bus Rides Again in the Zone (TV Movie 2020)
37K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Amos Crawley Birva Pandya Evan Thaler Hickey Gabby Clarke Jennifer Skelly Jocelyn Stevenson Kaden Stephen Kate McKinnon Leke Maceda-Rustecki Lights Lynsey Pham Marcus Craig Matthew Mucci Mikaela Blake Richard Weston Roman Lutterotti 2020 5.6 English Richard Weston United States
The Magic School Bus Rides Again in the Zone: Directed by Richard Weston. With Kate McKinnon, Birva Pandya, Mikaela Blake, Gabby Clarke. Ms. Frizzle’s class sees every show on a pop star’s New Year’s Eve tour, learning about time zones as they attend all her concerts on the same night.
“The old Rides Again (Season 1 and Season 2) is kinda meh, but this is better. They changed the art style to CG and thereu0026#39;s much more shading and lighting. I wish they could do more Rides Again episodes like that. They also capture the soul of the original series, like all Rides Again episodes do.”