Die Abenteuer von Wolfsblut (2018)
66K Adventure Animation Genre Alexandre Espigares Claire Baradat Constantin Pappas Dominique Pinon Fabrice Colombero Florian Wormser Frantz Confiac Gérard Darier Gilles Morvan Jack London Jack Reinhardt Julien Muller Laurent Manzoni Laurent Natrella Marie Seux Nicolas Mossard Pascal Nowak Philippe Lioret Raphaël Personnaz Serge Frydman Thierry Blanc Tom Morton Virginie Efira Zac Andianas 2018 6.7 Alexandre Espigares French Germany
Die Abenteuer von Wolfsblut: Directed by Alexandre Espigares. With Raphaël Personnaz, Virginie Efira, Dominique Pinon, Frantz Confiac. Based on the timeless novel by Jack London. A loyal wolfdog’s curiosity leads him on the adventure of a lifetime while serving a series of three distinctly different masters.
“u0026#39;White Fangu0026#39; has a really beautiful animation and the story is faithful to Jack Londonu0026#39;s book. The soundtrack is really good. The movie reminded me a bit the u0026quot;oldu0026quot; u0026#39;Spirit: The Stallion of the Cimarronu0026#39;. I think everyone will like u0026#39;White Fangu0026#39;, not only the children. It has a nostalgic element that honestly I canu0026#39;t explain, but it almost made me cry.”