Reevolution (2017)
11K Action Crime Drama Genre Antoine Chapon Cecilia Freire Crisaide Mendes Jones Cyrille Poitevineau-Millin David Sousa Moreau Eva Ugarte Fele Martínez Gorka Otxoa Hovik Keuchkerian Jordan Bayne Juan Pablo Shuk Juanma Díez Leander Vyvey Leandro Rivera Lolo Diego Pablo Paz Roksana Nievadis Román Reyes 2017 7.1 Antoine Chapon English United States
Reevolution: Directed by David Sousa Moreau. With Leandro Rivera, Fele Martínez, Gorka Otxoa, Hovik Keuchkerian. The most sensational ‘media crime’ investigation of history has started. In RE-EVOLUTION the flashbacks and the interrogatories weave, challenging the audience to rebuild the story of four suspects accused of having freed humanity.
“Interesting view on war, games, war-games, VR, soldiers, PTSD and overcoming trauma. Visually pleasing imagery of u0026quot;Arma 3u0026quot; (?) gets combined with the narrative of a traumatized veteran. The scenes get very funny at one point. Virtual space and imaginary worlds as a safe haven. Definitely worth a look!”