The Donkey King (2020)
31K Adventure Animation Comedy Genre Aziz Jindani Billy Bob Thompson Bobbi Hartley Dan Green David McDonald David Wills Jason Yudoff Jesse Janson Justin Anselmi Kamran Khimani Kenneth Knox Mark Dohner Mike Pollock Paul C. Nodine Rory Max Kaplan Starr Busby Tyler Bunch 2020 5.2 Aziz Jindani English United Kingdom
The Donkey King: Directed by Aziz Jindani. With Dan Green, Mike Pollock, Tyler Bunch, Billy Bob Thompson. When the ruler of Azad City suddenly renounces the throne, a down-on-his-luck donkey wins the nation’s first election, and is crowned The Donkey King.
“The movie tells the story of a donkey who wants to be king and embarks in a journey to achieve his dreams. On his way, heu0026#39;s faced with a lot of problems. Itu0026#39;s a gem in itself.nI suggest you watch it too.”