Christmas Break-In (TV Movie 2018)
26K Family Genre Caity Bair Cameron Seely Daniel Untiedt Danny Glover Davis Stalter Dawson Ehlke Denise Richards Douglas Spain Jaden Mogaka Jake Van Wagoner James Robert Miller Jett the Dog Katrina Begin Leah Anderson Lexi Giovagnoli Mabel Weismann Michael Kampa Naomi Whittacker-Hill Patricia Holly Sean O'Bryan Shawn Dunbar Spanky Dustin Ward 2018 5 English Michael Kampa United States
Christmas Break-In: Directed by Michael Kampa. With Danny Glover, Denise Richards, Cameron Seely, Sean O’Bryan. Izzy is an energetic 9-year-old. Overscheduled and running late, her parents can’t pick her up on time on the last day of school before Christmas break. A blizzard complicates the matter, but not as much so as a pair of bad guys who are freezing in an ice cream truck. The school janitor is kidnapped by them, and it’s up to Izzy to save the day.
“The acting of most the adults on this film is as bad as a crime as the original robbery. The plot is tired and used. I cannot say how bad this film was.”