Fight Night – Überleben ist alles (2019)
66K Action Crime Drama Genre Aleeto Lee Alton Demore Brian Cox Celia Muir Chris Gallarus Chris Wilson Colin Blyth Dallas King Essam Ferris Guillaume Rivaud Hattie Gotobed Henry Layton Hugh Fraser Ingrid Grupping Janey Bolina Jason Salkey Jill Rudison John Capel John Ross Clark Josell Mariano Julia Farino Kevin Hudson Kiersten Hall Kylie Rae Laurent C. Lucas Marcus Natividad Mark J.T. Griffin Michael Maloney Natascha Hopkins Nathalia Castellon Nick Denbeigh Nicole Ansari-Cox Nicole Faraday Patrick Tagudar Rad Brown Rich Young Lee Robert Wagner Sandra Capel Tamra Dae Thai Edwards Tim Faraday Tom Barber-Duffy 2019 English Mark J.T. Griffin null United Kingdom
Fight Night – Überleben ist alles: Directed by Dallas King. With Natascha Hopkins, Robert Wagner, Nathalia Castellon, Tamra Dae. Four best friends embark on a luxurious wine tasting and soon find themselves fighting for their lives.
“I was not expecting to be this entertained. I really liked this movie and would recommend to anyone who likes action, suspense, attractive women, and good music. Awesome sound effects!”