Slum Fighters (1977)
65K Action Drama Genre Abe Hendy Al Lopez Bill Louie Bob Long Bob O'Connell Charles Bonet Dan Doyle David Kirk Jason Lau Monica Germaine Norbert Albertson Jr. Pete Richardson Robert Banks Robert Warmflash Speedy Leacock Stuart Warmflash Thom Kendell Thompson Kao Kang Tony De Caprio Tony Liu Vincent Van Lynn Wai Ng 1977 4.6 English Robert Warmflash United States
Slum Fighters: Directed by Robert Warmflash. With Charles Bonet, Speedy Leacock, Bill Louie, Thompson Kao Kang. An apartment dweller goes on a search-and-destroy mission to kill the ruthless landlords who murdered his father.
“u0026quot;Death Promiseu0026quot; is a lost 70u0026#39;s exploitation gem and deserves to be seen. Technically somewhat of a mess and boasting a stock of amateur New Yawk types, this film never bores. I highly recommend tracking this down. Itu0026#39;s a hoot and a half.”